About Odyssey
Since 1980, Odyssey has supported thousands of people in Aotearoa. We work with people whose lives are affected by alcohol, drugs, and other addiction or wellbeing challenges.
We support individuals and whānau in community, school, residential, custodial and other settings. We provide effective, evidence-based services to support recovery and wellbeing
Our Annual Reports and Plans page has more info about our work, our organisation, and the principles that guide it.
“Since I have been at Odyssey, I have completed some goals I previously wouldn’t have thought possible…I have reconnected with loved ones I thought were gone forever…I am a proud Aunty to a beautiful three year old boy and a beautiful two year old girl…I have ended a relationship in which I was physically and mentally abused…I am 12 months meth and heroin sober…But most importantly, I have found a fire inside me for the first time in 10 years of drug use that wants to live, that wants and knows I deserve a better life.” A female resident at Odyssey’s Te Wairua service
“Hope is something I haven’t had for a long time, and I’m starting to have it now. Hope for myself, and for my kids.” A resident at Odyssey’s Te Wairua service
This is our why.
Everyone living in Aotearoa should have the opportunity to live life to the fullest, to feel hopeful about their future, and to have meaningful relationships with friends and whānau.
Many people that we support have endured stigma, discrimination, or social exclusion. Similarly, they may have experienced disadvantages in education, housing, employment and access to social services, as well as being disproportionately affected by structural and historic barriers that hinder their ability to exercise their rights to good health.
None of these factors are supportive of sustained recovery, nor do they nurture strong whānau and communities.
We want to change this.
We want to support tāngata whai ora to achieve their goals and get to the future they want, to a place where they are*:
“Employed and learning”
“Confident and independent”
“In positive relationships”
“Living a stable life”
“A good role model for my children.”
* The top five desired outcomes of Odyssey residents surveyed in 2018.
“All the connections I need in my life to have a healthy lifestyle are back in my life and I’m starting to see the person I used to be, but an even better version. I’m a better mother, a better person. I’ve found that love and acceptance of myself. I like that.” Te Wairua resident
For many people, connecting with Odyssey is a turning point in their lives. Accessing our services provides an opportunity for reflection and discovery, for learning and practicing new skills, for working towards goals that support wellbeing.
Whether you are participating in one of our residential programmes or accessing our support elsewhere, you will benefit from a safe, supportive environment that enables a structured, reflective approach to make sense of what you want from life, and how you might get there.
You will work with and learn from other people who have had similar experiences. There will be opportunities to learn and practice many new skills and strategies for managing your emotions, building your confidence and self-esteem, and strengthening relationships with whānau and others in your community.
We will support you to participate in cultural and other activities that are informed by traditional, holistic approaches to wellbeing.
You may also choose to participate in one of our work training programmes or to access learning opportunities with other providers that will support you in the next steps on your journey. We want you to feel confident and hopeful about your future.
Yes, you will make changes during your time with us and you will gain many new skills, but most importantly, you will learn about the strengths you already have and discover how these can be reinforced to connect you to a future that is free from alcohol, drug or other addiction challenges.
We are grateful for the support and guidance of our iwi partners in Te Tai Tokerau, Tāmaki Makaurau, and Waikato, in particular Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Our work is made possible by the generosity and ongoing support of our funders, benefactors, and partners, including Foundation North. Together, we support people to move towards a brighter future, bringing hope to whānau and communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Our work would not be possible without your support – ngā mihi nui, thank you!
We also acknowledge the contribution of longstanding programme collaborators who share our commitment to support tāngata whai ora and whānau work towards stronger futures.
Many thanks to our service and agency partners within initiatives such as the Haven, Te Ara Oranga, Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua (AODTC), Waypoint, Whakaoranga Whānau Recovery Hub, and Youth INtact. We value the opportunity to work with you all.
Find out more about us