Contact Odyssey
Thanks for stopping by!
Let’s get in touch:
General enquiries: admin@odyssey.org.nz
Call us on 09 638 4957 to:
Chat about our services (ext. 739)
Talk with your case manager
Reach our youth services team (ext. 753)
Speak with the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court team
Find out about activities at our community services hub in New Lynn, Auckland
Connect with our residential services if you are calling after hours.
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm.
Outside of these hours, leave us a message or contact us via email: admissioncentre@odyssey.org.nz.
We try to respond to all messages by the end of the next business day.
Visit our Auckland community services hub, Monday to Friday:
4/3029 Great North Road, New Lynn, Auckland
Visit our Northland community hub, Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4:00pm:
144 Bank Street, Whangarei
Ph: 09 982 8054 (After hours: 09 435 7167)
Email northlandcommunityhub@odyssey.org.nz.
Waikato Youth INtact - youth drug and alcohol service
Please visit the Youth INtact website or call the free phone number 0800 468 228
Leadership and Service Support Hub
Ph : +64 9 623-1447 Fax: +64 9 623-9151
Email: admin@odyssey.org.nz
Ngā Wai building
56 Bollard Ave, New Windsor, Auckland 0600
P O Box 56630, Dominion Rd
Referral & Admission Enquiries
Ph: +64 9 638 4957 Fax: +64 9 638 7130
Email: admissioncentre@odyssey.org.nz
PO Box 56447, Dominion Rd
Auckland 1446
Media Enquiries
Communications and Engagement Manager
Mob: +64 21 806 357
Email: comms@odyssey.org.nz