Work With Us
Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa
Let’s work together for the wellbeing of everyone
The te reo word Ōtihi was gifted to us from Ngāti Whātua. It is more than a literal translation of Odyssey.
‘Ō’ means ‘your many’ and ‘tihi’ refers to ‘the top of the mountain, the apex of the many peaks you have to travel’.
In this sense, Ōtihi represents our many journeys. Together, we learn, grow and challenge ourselves to move forward - with whakawhirinaki (trust), pono (honesty), haepapa (responsibility), matapōpore (concern), and aroha (love).
Many kaimahi (staff) describe the opportunity to support tāngata whai ora on a journey to a more hopeful place as nourishing and rewarding work. They also value working with ‘people who care about people.’
We currently employ more than 210 kaimahi in residential, custodial, school and community settings in Auckland, Northland and Waikato. We offer opportunities in clinical, peer and other support roles. We are an equal opportunities employer, supporting inclusion and diversity in the workplace.
Join us, and we will work with you to reach your career goals or further your professional development, including support to attain relevant academic qualifications and/or practitioner accreditation.

“People are at the heart of everything that we do. We are here to make a difference and go on a journey with service users; empowering them to live their best lives.”
Staff kōrero, Odyssey ‘Why’ workshops, 2018-19
Current Vacancies
If you’d like to be part of an organisation that supports people live their lives to the fullest, please take a look at our current vacancies.