I want support
Kia ora. Thanks for checking in!
Haere mai, and welcome to Odyssey.
It can be a big step making changes in your life. If you’ve been thinking about your relationship with alcohol and other drugs, or another addiction challenge, then this page is for you.
Below are links to our adult, youth, and family services. Further down the page is more information about other providers and online tools.
If you want help or you’d like to know more, reach out to our admissions team. You can also have a chat with your GP or the service provider supporting you.
Call us: 09 6384957
Email us: admissioncentre@odyssey.org.nz.
Fill out a Referral form.
Our Services
When someone close to you is living with addiction or mental health challenges, it is often hard to know how to support them and how to get support for yourself. At Odyssey, we encourage whānau involvement in our recovery programmes. We also support whānau to develop skills that will help them feel stronger and better prepared to navigate challenging times.
If it’s outside of our working day (8:30am to 4:30pm) and you need to talk to someone right now, here are some organisations who can help:
Alcohol Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 or TXT 8681
www.alcoholdrughelp.org.nzPasifika Helpline 0800 787 799
Whaka-tu-tangata Helpline 0800 787 798
Gambling HelpLine NZ
0800 654 655 (multiple languages)QuitLine
0800 778 7781737 Need to talk? Mental health and addiction helpline. Free call or text 1737 any time.
You can search these online services directories for services near you
Alcohol Drug helpline: Service directory
Health Point: Mental Health and Addictions service directoryHealth Navigator: Alcohol and other drug support services
Health Navigator: Gambling support -
Here are some useful online resources
New Zealand Drug Foundation: Drug Index
New Zealand Drug Foundation: Being Safer
Health Promotion Agency: Alcohol harm reduction resources
Health Promotion Agency: Gambling harm reduction resources
Drug Help
Pot Help
Matua Raki: Real People share their recovery stories (a booklet) -
At Odyssey: Odyssey hosts several weekly groups for people seeking peer-to-peer facilitated support. These include SMART Recovery and NA. Find out more about our community services for adults.
Elsewhere in the community:
Alcoholics Anonymous / AA
Narcotics Anonymous / NA
Ministry of Health: A list of community treatment services -
If you’re a young person looking for support there are specific services available for you
We know the idea of talking to a stranger about your problems can be overwhelming.
Youthline and The Lowdown can help if you need support, have no one to talk to or just need a friendly ear. All you need to do is text, call or webchat them and say hi.
From there you can ask questions or talk about the things you are struggling with.
Youthline Visit www.youthline.co.nz for webchat
Free call 0800 376 633 | Free text 234The Lowdown
Visit thelowdown.co.nz for webchat
Free call 0800 111 757 | Free text 5626At school: If you attend school and are worried about your use of drugs or alcohol, we encourage you to talk to a school counsellor or social worker that you trust. They can give you a space to talk about what’s going on in your life.
Online resources:
Did You Know series
The Did you know? series has helpful facts for teenagers with questions about alcohol and drugs, developed by the New Zealand Drug Foundation.Visit the Did you know? site for more info on reducing harms from drugs and alcohol. We’ve included a couple of quick videos from the series below:
Understanding substance use
Our octopus animation is a great resource to understand how addiction happens.