E Ara E - Rise Up!
Work and study support for ages 18-24
It can be a challenge finding the right study or job opportunity.
E Ara E offers individual appointments and group workshops to support your wellbeing and get you ready for work, study, and the future you want!
Let’s move forward together
Contact the E Ara E team at 09 520 8562, email worksupport@odyssey.org.nz, or click here to book an appointment!
Find out more from your Work and Income case manager. You can also meet our team at Te Tāwharau, Odyssey’s community hub at 3029 Great North Road, New Lynn, Auckland.
E Ara E offers support for you to explore who you want to be, where you want to go, and what you need to get there.
We support you on the pathway of your choice, including connecting you with local employers and education providers.
Together, we will:
Work on skills and strategies to support your wellbeing
Think about work or study pathways
Take steps towards the future you want.
E Ara E is available to 18 to 24 year old, experiencing wellbeing challenges. If you live in Central or West Auckland and think E Ara E might be a good fit for you, contact E Ara E or your Ministry of Social Development (MSD) case manager.
Alternatively, contact us directly. We will check your eligibility with MSD.
Telephone: 09 520 8562
Email: worksupport@odyssey.org.nz
Booking form: click here -
Coming to your first appointment - Video
Coming to your first workshop - Video
After the referral has been made, we will book an initial appointment. This gives us a chance to get to know each other and discuss any barriers that may be stopping you from reaching your goals.
You’ll get to meet and work with various members of our team – including wellbeing practitioners, employment and peer support specialists.
Peer support specialists are people with lived experience. They have been in your shoes and can understand your journey. They’ll be there to walk alongside you, throughout your time with E Ara E.
E Ara E is based on the internationally-recognised Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model. This means we take a very individualised and holistic approach, at a pace that suits your needs.Our E Ara E team works with you to:
Work towards your wellbeing goals using Te Whare Tapa Whā.
Discuss barriers to work and study and work together to reduce them
Explore work, education, or training goals and what your options are
Connect you with potential employers and education providers
Help you apply and prepare for work (support with CV writing, interview skills, and meeting employers), or study (course applications, StudyLink)
The amount of time you spend with your E Ara E team will be based on what you need.
You will have regular one-to-one meetings with your Employment Specialist. Once you get into the pathway you want, we provide ongoing support, if you like.