Be SMART Support Groups for Friends and Whānau
In Auckland and Whangarei we offer free, weekly Be SMART* support groups for people whose lives are impacted by the addictive behaviours of someone close to them.
These small groups offer friends and whānau a supportive environment to share their experiences and learn useful tools and techniques such as self-care, safety and support, assertive communication and problem-solving.
Our trained facilitators will help you understand more about addictive behaviours and can also provide guidance on coping with lapses.
*SMART = Self-Management And Recovery Training
Be SMART groups
New Lynn: Coming Soon! Please see contact details below to register interest
Whangarei: Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
Online: Thursdays, 11:30am-1:00pm (via Zoom, please contact us for joining instructions)
Let’s move forward together
To find out more about services and activities at our community hubs please get in touch:
Auckland – Te Tāwharau community hub
Phone: 09 638 4957
Visit: 4/3029 Great North Road, New Lynn
Phone: 09 982 8054
Visit: 144 Bank Street, Whangarei