2020 Annual Review - many thanks to everyone we've worked with this year
It’s that time of year, a time to reflect and a time to give thanks.
2020 certainly wasn’t quite as expected, and getting to the end of it feels a bit like getting to the end of a very long race, but we made it!
We’re excited to share our Annual Review with you.
To mark our 40th year, this year’s Review features stories from hoamahi and tāngata whai ora that offer a closer look at some of our programmes and services.
Many thanks to everyone who so generously took part, and many thanks to everyone we have worked with this year.
Aroha nui and happy reading!
May the summer be restorative,
“It’s not a job. It’s not something I do because I have to. It all comes from a place of concern, and that is a place I learned about through Odyssey.”
Photo credit: Wilhelm Gunkel, Unsplash.com